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[node:field-user-surname] | |
[node:field-member-surname] | |
[node:author] | vicentepf |
[node:author:field-name] | Plaza Franco |
[node:author:mail] | gestorcesjeuropa@gmail.com |
[node:author:created] | Dom, 11/16/2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:created:short] | 11/16/2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:created:long] | Domingo, Noviembre 16, 2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:created:medium] | Dom, 11/16/2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:created:custom:?] | |
[node:author:created:raw] | 1416158024 |
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[node:author:created:uc_store] | 11/16/2014 |
[node:author:edit-url] | http://cesjeuropa.org/user/1/edit |
[node:author:status] | Activo |
[node:author:field_fecha_de_nacimiento] | 1989-06-11 00:00:00 |
[node:author:field-fecha-de-nacimiento] | Dom, 06/11/1989 - 00:00 |
[node:author:field-fecha-de-nacimiento:short] | 06/11/1989 - 00:00 |
[node:author:field-fecha-de-nacimiento:long] | Domingo, Junio 11, 1989 - 00:00 |
[node:author:field-fecha-de-nacimiento:medium] | Dom, 06/11/1989 - 00:00 |
[node:author:field-fecha-de-nacimiento:custom:?] | |
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[node:author:field-fecha-de-nacimiento:since] | 35 años 8 meses |
[node:author:field-fecha-de-nacimiento:uc_store] | 06/11/1989 |
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[node:author:picture:url] | |
[node:author:field_user_work_institution] | Universidad de Jaén |
[node:author:field-member-work-institution] | Santa Lucia S.A. |
[node:author:field-user-work-institution] | Universidad de Jaén |
[node:author:field_member_work_institution] | Santa Lucia S.A. |
[node:author:metatag] | |
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[node:author:metatag:generator] | Drupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org) |
[node:author:metatag:image_src] | |
[node:author:metatag:shortlink] | http://cesjeuropa.org/node/127/devel/token |
[node:author:metatag:title] | vicentepf | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
[node:author:changed] | Dom, 11/16/2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:changed:short] | 11/16/2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:changed:long] | Domingo, Noviembre 16, 2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:changed:medium] | Dom, 11/16/2014 - 18:13 |
[node:author:changed:custom:?] | |
[node:author:changed:raw] | 1416158024 |
[node:author:changed:since] | 10 años 2 meses |
[node:author:changed:uc_store] | 11/16/2014 |
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[node:author:field_nombre] | Vicente |
[node:author:name] | vicentepf |
[node:author:original] | |
[node:author:field-profesi-n-t-tulo] | Ingeniero Informático |
[node:author:field_profesi_n_t_tulo] | Ingeniero Informático |
[node:author:roles] | usuario autenticado, administrator |
[node:author:roles:first] | usuario autenticado |
[node:author:roles:join:?] | |
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[node:author:roles:keys:first] | 2 |
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[node:author:roles:keys:value:?] | |
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[node:author:url:absolute] | http://cesjeuropa.org/users/vicentepf |
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[node:author:url:args:join:?] | |
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[node:author:last-login] | Mar, 11/05/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-login:short] | 11/05/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-login:long] | Martes, Noviembre 5, 2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-login:medium] | Mar, 11/05/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-login:custom:?] | |
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[node:author:last-login:uc_store] | 11/05/2024 |
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[node:author:role-names] | authenticated user,administrator |
[node:author:field_name] | Plaza Franco |
[node:author:last-access] | Mar, 11/05/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-access:short] | 11/05/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-access:long] | Martes, Noviembre 5, 2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-access:medium] | Mar, 11/05/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:author:last-access:custom:?] | |
[node:author:last-access:raw] | 1730797498 |
[node:author:last-access:since] | 3 meses 1 semana |
[node:author:last-access:uc_store] | 11/05/2024 |
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[node:field_event_date] | |
[node:field_date] | |
[node:field-event-date:?] | |
[node:field-date:?] | |
[node:changed] | Mié, 06/19/2024 - 10:05 |
[node:changed:short] | 06/19/2024 - 10:05 |
[node:changed:long] | Miércoles, Junio 19, 2024 - 10:05 |
[node:changed:medium] | Mié, 06/19/2024 - 10:05 |
[node:changed:custom:?] | |
[node:changed:raw] | 1718784346 |
[node:changed:since] | 7 meses 3 semanas |
[node:changed:uc_store] | 06/19/2024 |
[node:created] | Mié, 05/17/2017 - 12:17 |
[node:created:short] | 05/17/2017 - 12:17 |
[node:created:long] | Miércoles, Mayo 17, 2017 - 12:17 |
[node:created:medium] | Mié, 05/17/2017 - 12:17 |
[node:created:custom:?] | |
[node:created:raw] | 1495016235 |
[node:created:since] | 7 años 9 meses |
[node:created:uc_store] | 05/17/2017 |
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[node:metatag:description] | Instituciones democráticas y gobernabilidad |
[node:metatag:title] | Proyectos | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
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[node:field-user-name] | |
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[node:field-tags:0:tid] | 6 |
[node:field-tags:0:uc-catalog-image:?] | |
[node:field-tags:0:uc_catalog_image] | |
[node:field-tags:0:metatag] | |
[node:field-tags:0:metatag:canonical] | http://cesjeuropa.org/node/127/devel/token |
[node:field-tags:0:metatag:generator] | Drupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org) |
[node:field-tags:0:metatag:shortlink] | http://cesjeuropa.org/node/127/devel/token |
[node:field-tags:0:metatag:description] | |
[node:field-tags:0:metatag:title] | cesj | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
[node:field-tags:0:name] | cesj |
[node:field-tags:0:original] | |
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[node:field-tags:0:root] | |
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[node:field-tags:0:url] | http://cesjeuropa.org/taxonomy/term/6 |
[node:field-tags:0:url:absolute] | http://cesjeuropa.org/taxonomy/term/6 |
[node:field-tags:0:url:args] | taxonomy, term, 6 |
[node:field-tags:0:url:brief] | cesjeuropa.org/taxonomy/term/6 |
[node:field-tags:0:url:relative] | /taxonomy/term/6 |
[node:field-tags:0:url:path] | taxonomy/term/6 |
[node:field-tags:0:url:unaliased] | http://cesjeuropa.org/taxonomy/term/6 |
[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary] | Tags |
[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary:term-count] | 51 |
[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary:node-count] | 100 |
[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary:description] | Use tags to group articles on similar topics into categories. |
[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary:edit-url] | http://cesjeuropa.org/admin/structure/taxonomy/tags/edit |
[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary:vid] | 1 |
[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary:name] | Tags |
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[node:field-tags:0:vocabulary:original] | |
[node:field-tags:1] | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
[node:field-tags:1:parents-all] | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
[node:field-tags:1:parents-all:0] | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
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[node:field-tags:1:metatag:canonical] | http://cesjeuropa.org/node/127/devel/token |
[node:field-tags:1:metatag:generator] | Drupal 7 (https://www.drupal.org) |
[node:field-tags:1:metatag:shortlink] | http://cesjeuropa.org/node/127/devel/token |
[node:field-tags:1:metatag:description] | |
[node:field-tags:1:metatag:title] | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
[node:field-tags:1:name] | Centro de Estudios Sociales y JurÃdicos Sur de Europa |
[node:field-tags:1:original] | |
[node:field-tags:1:parents] | |
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[node:field-tags:1:root] | |
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[node:field-tags:1:url] | http://cesjeuropa.org/tags/centro-de-estudios-sociales-y-jur%C3%ADdicos-sur-de-europa |
[node:field-tags:1:url:absolute] | http://cesjeuropa.org/tags/centro-de-estudios-sociales-y-jur%C3%ADdicos-sur-de-europa |
[node:field-tags:1:url:args] | tags, centro-de-estudios-sociales-y-jurÃdicos-sur-de-europa |
[node:field-tags:1:url:brief] | cesjeuropa.org/tags/centro-de-estudios-sociales-y-jur%C3%ADdicos-sur-de-europa |
[node:field-tags:1:url:relative] | /tags/centro-de-estudios-sociales-y-jur%C3%ADdicos-sur-de-europa |
[node:field-tags:1:url:path] | tags/centro-de-estudios-sociales-y-jurÃdicos-sur-de-europa |
[node:field-tags:1:url:unaliased] | http://cesjeuropa.org/taxonomy/term/15 |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary] | Tags |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:term-count] | 51 |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:node-count] | 100 |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:description] | Use tags to group articles on similar topics into categories. |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:edit-url] | http://cesjeuropa.org/admin/structure/taxonomy/tags/edit |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:vid] | 1 |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:name] | Tags |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:machine-name] | tags |
[node:field-tags:1:vocabulary:original] | |
[node:field-tags:2] | |
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[node:content-type:description] | Use basic pages for your static content, such as an 'About us' page. |
[node:content-type:edit-url] | http://cesjeuropa.org/admin/structure/types/manage/page |
[node:content-type:name] | Basic page |
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[node:title] | Proyectos |
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[node:url:args:reversed:join:?] | |
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[node:url:unaliased] | http://cesjeuropa.org/node/127 |
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[node:last-view] | Mié, 06/19/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:last-view:short] | 06/19/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:last-view:long] | Miércoles, Junio 19, 2024 - 10:04 |
[node:last-view:medium] | Mié, 06/19/2024 - 10:04 |
[node:last-view:custom:?] | |
[node:last-view:raw] | 1718784279 |
[node:last-view:since] | 7 meses 3 semanas |
[node:last-view:uc_store] | 06/19/2024 |